

I have to say that the past three sermons that Phil has given at church have been applicable to me.  The last sermon has given me fodder for a couple of posts this week.
Sunday's sermon was titled "Your Work Matters to God."  I'd like to give you four facts about work that he discussed on Sunday that are relevant to your life.
1.  Work is a gift from God.  In Genesis 2:15, God places Adam in the garden to work it.
2.  By working, we reflect the likeness of God.
3.  Work, properly executed, is good work  OR work, properly executed, is doing good.  That kinda blends 2 & 3 together and leads to..
4.  Your work is one of the primary ways you glorify God.
I can't speak for all of you, but I have often considered my work to be insignificant.  I'm not exactly changing the world in my office.  And for the longest time, that's how I treated my work.  And then I realized the impact that I could have with the people in my office.  Some readers may recall some "issues" I had with some office personnel.  And how I had to purposely make a point to try and show love, despite the difficulty in that task.  It's out of that that I began to see how my work could glorify God and that has changed my outlook on work.


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