
Not that any vets read my blog...

But thank you anyways. I would say it's a little late, but we should be thankful everyday for what they've done.

I've been thinking about something as of late and I thought I'd share (plus it will help to clear my mind). How can we as Christians, love members of the gay and lesbian community? This thought came to mind as I read an article in The Patriot News (link)about how the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) feels that the recent passage of gay marriage bans in eleven states is causing it's members to be oppressed (insert your MP line here). The MCC was created to offer a place for gay and lesbians to worship and fellowship, because they were not accepted in mainstream churches. Which gets back to my question. How do you love and accept homosexuals without endorsing their lifestyle? Some uber-conservative types might believe that just allowing homosexuals inside the church is equal to acceptance of their lifestyle. I don't believe that, but how do you show them Christ's love? Something I've been thinking about...

Switching gears, I just saw this neat story on the news. There's a representative in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (go figure) who's son is serving in Iraq. So this son, sent his dad some military boots as a gift, and the father decided to wear them every day until his son returns from Iraq. So he wears them to work (he was shown wearing a blue suit with the tan boots) each day. How cool is that?

Have a good weekend.
Be blessed!!


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