
Ain't it funny?

Alright y'uns. Gather up a log and take a seat here by the campfire. I got a story to tell you. No, it ain't a ghost story. It's a man story.

Once upon a time, there was a feller who worked for menial wages, but his job had some nice perks. One day his boss said to him "How would you like to go on down to San Anton(io) for a conference? Boy howdy was this feller excited. He had never been to San Anton(io), but he heard that's where his hero Davey Crockett got into it with some Mexi-cans. Not only that, but they had some crazy thing called a riverwalk that was like a miniature river runnin' through the downtown! Well, this feller got all excited and couldn't wait to be goin'. He would only have to wait four more months, and he'd be on his way.

A month or so later, this feller was at the local church and was approached by one of the female church-folk. She said "I was wondering if you might be interested in helping us out with our Bible school this year. You and those other folks did such a fine job, we wanted to have ya back. And the kids love ya. What do ya say?" Well, what could he say? The children needed him and his washboard. And believe you me, this fella play a mean washboard. So he says yes. Then he finds out when the Bible school is going to be held. Gol-durnit, if it wadnt the very same days that he was goin' to be down in San Anton(io). He was besides himself! But he knew what the right decision was. So he said "yes" to school, and had to tell his higher-up at the ranch, "no." She asked him why. An he said cuz he was playin' his washboard for Bible School. She was okay with that, and that fella left for the day.

As the days wore on, that fella got more disapointed. Why oh why couldn't these two wonderful opportunities occur on different days? He knew playin' the Bible school gig was the right thing to do. But he also knew that the trip to San Anton(io) would be a great opportunity to see Davey Crockett's Alamo, as well as help him with his responsibilities as a sheep herder. And he was disappointed. He said to God "Why did you work it out this way? You know the desires of my heart!" Alas, God did not change the situation and he resigned himself to the fact that he would be playin' his washboard for the Bible School. He was glad to be helpin' out the children, but was sad for the lost opportunity.

One day during the Bible school week, the fella was goin' about his work and talkin' with some other herders. He was talkin' with this visiting herder from Ohio who he was going to go on the trip to San Anton(io) with. And he asked about the trip. And the herder said to him "are you jokin' with me?" And he said "no." Then he said "why?" With a pained look, the herder informed the fella that he did not get to go to San Anton(io). The trip was cancelled. He was going to take his missus down with him and have a gay old time. But they didn't get the chance.

After consoling the herder, the fella left. And he got to thinkin'...If he had decided to go to San Anton(io), he would have declined the invitation to play for the Bible school children. And they would have found someone else. But then his trip would have been cancelled. But he would not have been able to play the Bible school cause they would have found someone else to play the washboard (though not as good). And then he wouldn't get to do any of activities he enjoyed.

Ain't it funny how things work out?


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