
The lust, the flesh, the eyes.....

There is one sentence from Phil's sermon on Sunday that has stuck in my brain. I wasn't able to get it verbatim, but here's the gist of it:
Sensualization of the soul leads to a disconnect in our dependence on God.
The topic of discussion Sunday morning was being hungry for God.

What stuck with me was how we consistently look to things of this world to replace that which God provides. How we are hungry for God, yet we satisfy that hunger with things. Things like work, hobbies, and relationships. We know that God's there, but we don't expect to be satisfied by Him. And I'll go so far to say that maybe we don't want to be satisfied by God. Maybe we like what we have going on right now. It's comfortable and we're content.

But that's not enough. We were created for so much more than comfort and contentedness. We are created to live our lives dependent on the love and forgiveness that can only be found in God. John Ortberg talks about the life you've always wanted. We know what that life is. And it's right there. But we've got to learn to let go of the distractions and set our eyes on Him.

And we have to want Him. With all our hearts.


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