
I Like Mike

Astute readers (not your RSS'ers) will notice a new button on the right side of the page.  It's for Mike Huckabee.  For those out of town, or unaware, Huckabee is running for the Republican nomination for President.  I like him (hence the button).  If you're interested in learning more about him, click the button to jump over to his home page.

Also, Chuck Norris likes him.


On 19.11.07, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

I too like Mike Huckabee. Here is a transcript of an interview that he did recently with Glenn Beck (conservative radio talk show host and host of Glenn Beck on Headline News)talking about his bid for the White House. Copy and paste it into your browser and check it out. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0710/19/gb.01.html

However, I have read some recent articles about his allowance for the Mexican consulate in Arkansas to reside in a publicly funded building and pretty much rent free. As well, as give lower tuition rates to illegal immigrants, which is illegal. Those articles can be found on WorldNetdaily.com. So, I'll have to keep researching that.

Other than that I do love his small government approach, outlook on foreign policy, support of Israel, the majority of his domestic issues, and his tax plan, which also can be reviewed on Fairtax.org. (Huckabee also has a video on there as well.)

Don't forget the next debate is Wednesday, November 28th!


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