
What's readin?

The past couple of months or so, I've been growing more and more interested in Martin Luther King, Jr. I'm aware of the strong influence he had on the civil rights movement, but he was also a pastor. And that's what has really picqued my curiousity. I've become very interested on reading some of his books and his commentary on civil rights and social justice.

I was pretty excited with I found out that the MC library had a bunch of his stuff. Then I found out that somebody had checked out all the books that I wanted. So that kinda bummed me out. But I didn't just want to wait and put it off. There's some stuff that you can put off and just never come back to. But I don't want that to happen. So I decided to read Martin Luther King, Sr.'s autobiography. And I've really been enjoying it. It's not an easy read, to see how difficult he had it growing up, but it's a great insight on how his children came into their own.

So that's what I'm reading at the moment.


On 27.4.08, Anonymous Anonymous declared...


thought of you today watching the NFL draft. Although in Dallas....I can't stand Romo and his hype so I kinda pull for the Skins. Decent draft....but I think the Colt Brennan pick is gonna be awesome for your guys. :)


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