
Vaughn shot Lauren

Or is it Loren....

Anywho, it looked like ol' Michael Vaughn got sick and tired of being sick and tired. And so he emptied a clip into his former squeeze. And of course, they're not going to consider it murder because she was holding Syd at gunpoint. So....it looks like the Rimbaldi device is still MIA, but now it looks like Sloane has re-established his "relationship" with his daughter. I'm suspicious of her. She could be covenant. And what's up with that secret document that Syd found? I'm wondering if it goes back to that program that Syd was a part of that was mentioned last season (where there was a whole class of kids like Syd and they were basically being brainwashed). Hmmmmm. Lots to ponder over the summer (and the fall, as I hear that the new season won't start until January '05).

So I went to a handbell concert yesterday. It was my cultural event for the week. They did some good numbers. My favorite was a polka number they did, accompanied by an accordian. Accordians and hand bells...who'da thunk it? And I enjoyed the last tune. Not so much the tune itself, but just seeing and hearing all the bells being played at once. That was kewl. I also learned not to judge people based on their stature. And I think I may need to get my vision checked...

And finally for all those who haven't heard, C.S. Lewis rulez!


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