
Think, Think, Think (part deux)

When I was talking about The Bourne Supremacy in yesterday's entry, I forgot something. I am so ready to go back to Germany. And to take that a step further, I am so ready to see the rest of Europe. I'm talking to you Italy. And you France. I'd like to visit Normandy. And Sweden and the Netherlands? You guys too. So I've apparently got the will....I just gotta wait for the way.

I was watching a bit of Fellowship of the Ring yesterday and one quick scene I saw merits a mention. There was a scene were the fellowship was attacked in a mountainous area by some orcs. One of the "mir" brothers (I dunno if it was Faromir or Baromir) got stuck with three arrows from one of the orc baddies. But he still kept fightin'. So the head baddie is gettin' ready to put his fourth arrow into this guy when Aragorn comes out of nowhere and starts fightin' this baddie (all the other orcs had run somewhere, I have no idea where). But this head baddie was tough and he gave Aragorn what for. Aragorn got beat up pretty good, but he never stopped fighting for his Fellowship brother. And he eventually loppped off baddies arm and head to kill him. But it was too late for the mir brother. But what resonated with me was that Aragorn, could have not come to his rescue. He already had three arrows in him and was pretty close to death, but that didn't stop Aragorn. His love and devotion for his friend compelled him to step in and do something. And he did. That's love. (and I'm not even going to get into any analogies).

And it's official: All my racquetball partners are now injured. Oi! So if you play racquetball and are functioning at 100%, give me a holler. And don't worry injured partners, you're still my preferred opponents.

And can someone help me out with this problem? I put some flannel sheets on my bed and I slept in it last night. So the problem is, that when I turn over, I can't turn over without gettin' my shorts and my t-shirt all twisted up. Any suggestions?


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