How'd I do?
So once again, it's time for the year-end goal review, where I take the goals I set for 2005 and see whether or not I met them. We had seven goals this year...
1. Run a 10k road race - This didn't happen. I had a hard time working up to running a six-mile race. However, I would like to point out that I'm still running. But that wasn't the goal now, was it?
2. Learn how to dance - I can now waltz, rhumba and mambo. While I wanted to learn more, I'm still going to count this goal as met. But I want to learn more.
3. Travel to Europe - Almost happened. But almost doesn't count except in...
4. Volunteer 100 hours - Didn't happen. I think I got about 40 hours or so in.
5. Learn how to cook something besides rice - I've made slight progress here, but nothing I would consider substantial. So I'm going to say no.
6. Learn how to sail - Wasn't in the budget.
7. Go to a Red Sox game at Fenway - Had the opportunity, and missed out. Same thing may have already happened for next season. But I hope not..
Next Tuesday, my 2006 goals.
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