
Something to think about this season

This is from Reflections for Ragamuffins, by Brennan Manning
The Grace of Christmas

In the face of pessimistic appraisals that we have nothing going for us anymore, Christmas says that we have everything going - Jesus, the journey, and the dream. Richard Rohr says "The Christian never loses, because he has nothing to lose."

My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, if you have been struck by the grace of Christmas, if the Lord in His mercy has given you the courage to accept acceptance, if you are convinced that Christmas is the decisive breakthrough of the passionate love of God in Jesus, if you trust that God is faithful to his promises, that he will finish what he began, that amazin' grace is at work right now, that you have only checked into the hotel of earth overnight and you are enroute to the heavenly Jerusalem, then in the immortal words of John Powell, "Please notify your face!"

On the other hand, if you have not been struck by the grace of Christmas, ask for it and it will be given...


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