

I read the following quote from Beth Moore last night:
We must find satisfaction in God because dissatisfaction or emptiness waves a red flag to the enemy. The empty places in our lives become the enemy's playground.
It is so true. Think about areas in your life where you are unhappy or satisfied. Whether it's finances, or relationships, or career. What are some of the feelings that you have in this area? Jealousy? Bitterness? Loneliness? Inferiority?

I got news for ya. That's the devil talkin'. If we give him an inch, he'll try to take a mile. And he knows the hot buttons that each of us has. He will also know when we shift our gaze. When we take our eyes off of Christ and start looking at ourselves and others, we forget about the completeness we have in Christ.

I think this is one of the biggest things that Christians struggle with. I know I do. I've been doing the same type of work for almost the past nine years. And I don't like it. I liked it for the first couple of years, but since then, I've been trying to get out and into another area of work. And to date I've been unsuccessful. And that's disappointing to me because I don't feel motivated or challenged in my current position. And it's very easy to get down on myself because I go to interviews and I don't get the job. Especially when I look around and compare myself to others. They're not only paid well, but they enjoy their work! But I can't look around. Because if I find my satisfaction and contentedness in other people or objects, I'm denying God that opportunity.

So I continue to fight. I'm often successful. But sometimes I slip. Yet, I continue to fight and I will fight until my dying day. And I would also like to encourage you to fight as well. Because it's important.


On 28.7.06, Blogger matt declared...

You gotta fight; For your right: To...

So are you saying that all dissatisfaction is the devil talking? I think some bad things happen and our reactions to them aren't necessarily the devil. It could just be the human psyche.

On 31.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

I've been really disheartened in my career lately and have been praying that God would give me a vision of what more I could do. I agree that we become more vulnerable to the enemy when we are disillusioned or demotivated so it is important to fight to choose to be joyful, hopeful and most of confident in God's promises.

I recently heard someone say that "your only purpose here is to glorify God" so stop worrying about what you do and just do everything with that in mind. Good point I guess, but's it is to remember that when you have such a large support structure. (i.e. married, several kids, large extended family and are a popular church leader who receives bucketloads of encouragement calls and prayer support)

On 31.7.06, Blogger stephen declared...

First, I should clarify that I am not talking about spiritual dissatisfaction.

I think that dissatisfaction is not the devil talking directly, but rather it's the devil pushing the buttons. He knows our weak spots and he's just waiting for an opening.

Matt, I'd also like to hear more about your thoughts on the human psyche (when you have some time). And maybe the differences you see there between Christians or non-Christians.


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