
There's got to be a morning after....

Guess who's back, back again....Dubb-yas back, tell your friends. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back. (semi-sincere apologies to Eminem)

So George gets another four years. I'm glad. He's gotten some stuff started that he wanted to, and now he has the opportunity to do it. However, he's got to do it. And he's really going to have to work to be the proverbial "uniter, not a divider." Lots of bad feelings on both sides of the aisle and George will need to do his best to get Dems and Republicans together on things like Iraq and Social Security. But I have high hopes, and George has my prayers.

A few links for ya. Our portly democratic filmmaker Mr. Michael Moore has updated his website. It appears he has taken it upon himself to create a photograph of President Bush using what appears to the pictures of the soldiers who have died thus far in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice.

Secondly, is this map. It really shows how widespread voting was for the President and how few counties John Kerry won (although the counties he did win were mega-counties). Thanks to Sean Hannity for pointing out this map.

Hopefully in the next couple of days, I can track down links to some of the artists who were part of the "move on" circus. I'll keep ya posted.


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