God works
Okay, here's the scenario. Part of my new job responsibilities are paying for costs associated with recruiting. I pay for ads in papers, as well as to rent out meeting rooms in hotels for group interviews. So I was given an ad to pay yesterday which was a rather large amount. I knew that it was too much for the ad. I talked to the sales rep at the paper, and unless we wanted to drop the size of the ad, the cost would remain the same. So I decided to keep the ad as-is and I payed the paper and hung up the phone.
But it didn't feel right. And I was unsure as to whether I should call back and change the ad, or if I should keep it as is. I don't really have any direction on the size of ads, as my supervisor is currently out on leave. And then I got the brilliantest of brilliant ideas. I prayed. I prayed that God would help me figure out whether I should keep the ad as-is, or try to drop it in size.
A little later in the afternoon, I got a phone call from the sales rep. She said my card had been declined. Here's the God-thing: I was nowhere near the card max, and I had no idea why the card had declined. So I told her to drop the ad, because I didn't have any means to pay for it. What was more worrysome to me, was the fact that the ad was advertising a job fair we were having in the city later on in the week. So now I had no way to get the word out to people that we were even having a job fair.
But then an idea was brought to my mind. Call the sales rep back and ask to shrink the size of the ad, reprice it, and try to run it through again. So I did that, and with the repricing, it knocked $250.00 off the price. Unfortunately, the sales rep would not be able to tell me if the card went through until this morning. So I hadn't heard anything yet, and I decided to give the rep a call to check the status of the charge. It went through. God's awesome! We just have to ask for his help, and he's all over it. There was no reasonable answer for why the initial charge was declined. But he took care of things. Yay God!
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