
Dishin' on Disappointment

In your life, what about you is a cause for disappointment? I made a list tonight, that was a little larger than the examples I give here. One of them is rather vain. I'm disappointed that I don't have better/more hair. Yes that's right. I inherited a widow's peak, and I'm disappointed about that. For the longest time I've just kept the bangs long so it wasn't that obvious.

Another disappointment that I have is that I often feel like I'm an ineffective communicator. I know the words that I want to say, but often times they don't come out right. This wouldn't be a problem, if my fellow earthlings didn't have feelings. But they do. And when my ineffectiveness causes pain or heartache, it not only disappoints me, it frustrates me.

And here's where it gets crazy. In my vanity and ineffective communication, I am a child of God. And God can use me despite my shortcomings. But that's sometimes hard to see. It's easy to get down and frustrated, especially when you can't do anything with your hair. But what I've found is that while I'm trying to solve my hair woes, I lose my focus. It starts being about me. But it's not about me. I'm on this planet for one reason, and it's not hair-related.

Am I going to turn from my hairy ways tomorrow and be a new man? Doubtful. But I have the confidence, nay the hope, that my God can use me, despite my perceived shortcomings, and transform me into what He wants me to be. But I have to focus on the big picture.

And I have to get a haircut.


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