
Paying homage to the sun god

Dear Sun Worshippers;

Please clothe yourself properly or apply a good sun screen.


Here's what I noticed today: People on the beach, burnt red as lobsters. Seriously red. And guess what? They weren't making any efforts to cover themselves up! These people got burned by the sun....and they wanted more! What is up with that? Yuck. I have a very sad feeling that incidences of melanoma are going to skyrocket from my parent's generation to my generation. Oi.

Second point. I touched on this ever so briefly last month, but what happened to the one-piece bathing suit for the ladies? Lots of ladies trying to show as much skin as possible, wearin' the teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini. C'mon ladies, don't put everything on display, when it's not necessary. I think I feel like a torch-carrier for some sort of "modesty movement." I was out at Ocean City tonight (see the photo to the right) and I thought the best lookin' girls were the ones actually wearing clothes....with seams and none of those pleated skirts (or whatever they're called).

But these are just the ramblings of one man. You ask "Well, what if you're wife wants to wear a bikini?" I don't know. I need a wife first. But I might try out the theory that "I don't want anyone else to see your midriff bare but me." Think that would work? We'll see what she says about that. That, as many things in marriage, will be up for discussion.

Also of note, I prayed with a stranger on the Ocean City boardwalk tonight. Very uncharacteristic of me. A gentleman approached me and explained his situation to me. He had just checked out of a hospital, where he had been admitted for some high blood pressure issues (i.e. didn't know he had it). He needed some cash for his meds. Normally, I would ignore a request like this. But he offered to sell me some of his videos. As I had no used for Spawn or Blade II. I declined. But I said this: "I don't want your videos. But I have a $5.00 bill in my pocket and I'll give it to you, no questions asked, if you let me pray for you." He agreed, and I did. It was kinda cool and it was soooooooooo outside of my comfort zone. But still cool.



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