
Media Stuff

This should be an interesting movie. I think.

I like Alias as much as the next guy (who likes Alias), but this kinda borders on unhealthy. Just read those first three paragraphs.

There's a new version of Oliver Twist on the way..

Wanna know when that next hotly-anticipated album from your favorite Christian artist is coming out? Click here.

Watch Nic Cage as he portrays the all-American arms trader.

And finally, a trailer that I've been wanting to mention for a while but have forgotten. This looks like a pretty cool movie. Probably cuz it's got bears in it. Grizzly ones.


On 12.8.05, Blogger Nathan Hackman declared...

Yeah, that Alias thing is a bit much. The fiance and I are also awaiting Grizzly Man with much anticipation.


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