I've seen the enemy
And it's initials are HFCS. I am speaking of that sweet thing known as high fructose corn syrup. HFCS is a sweetener that is used in everything from soda to ketchup to yogurt. And it's not natural. But it does come from corn. There's lots of questions about HFCS (you can read a pretty good article here), but it seems that the only people sticking up for HFCS are the corn people.
So my latest endeavor is to try to eat foods that do not contain HFCS. And that can be tough. It means laying off the Turkey Hill iced tea (I don't know if I can give that up completely though..). Instead of soda like Coke or Pepsi (gasp), I'm drinking soda that only contains cane sugar. Last night while eating waffles, I discovered that my Log Cabin syrup contained HFCS. So I'm going to try to see if I can switch that up. Perhaps a switch to actual syrup is in order here.
And some people are going to say, what's the big deal? And that's a question that will be answered in various ways depending on who you are. If you're concerned about eating natural, then it may be a bigger deal. If you're not so much concerned with what you're eating, as long as it's not toxic, then maybe not. I'm just here to inform you. And invite you over to my house for HFCS-free beverages.
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