
What's your stream?

So I finished up the latest Ortberg book over the weekend. There was an interesting chapter on the different "streams" in which we find God. He uses streams do describe the different ways that people can see and hear God in a manner that best relates to them.

Regrettably, I have since returned the book to the library and can't recall all the different streams. I do know that there were seven of them and that one of them was Creation. It stuck out because it's one of the primary ways I find God. It's in the animals. Whenever I see a rabbit, without fail, I will greet it with a "Hello Rabbit!" (and you have to emphasize it the same way that Pooh does when he greets Rabbit - hel-LO RAbbit). When I see the mountains when I'm driving to church, or the sun setting, I see God. I actually wrote an entry on a sunrise last Friday which I hope to post this weekend.

One of the other streams that I recall is an intellectual stream. This one I recall because I have several smart friends. People who like math. And they may find it easier to see God in the intricacies of our world. In equations and theorems.

Anywho, I wish I had kept the book a little longer, or written this a little earlier. But the gist of the chapter was that while there are certain streams where God sticks out to us, our neighbor, friend, spouse might not see it as well as we can. And it's important to remember that they may not see it as clearly as we can.


On 10.11.06, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

I also find frequent connections in the Creation and intellectual streams. Although I don't often see God in math. I actually seldom see anything in math. I do find it amazing how I can find God in secular literature, even in works that are anti-religion. I guess He's everwhere, even if he isn't intended to be. Do you ever see Him in the branches and leaves of waving trees? Everyone once in awhile I look out on some trees on a windy day and think, "Oh! There He is!"

On 13.11.06, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

In our small group we talked about "thin places", where the fine line between heaven and earth seems so thin you could reach out and touch God. Everyone's "this place" was different - it was really interesting to hear. Mine was sitting on the beach, listening to the ocean. I think a lot of people feel connected to God when out enjoying His creation.


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