
Weekend Update

Hiya kids.

Saw I, Robot Friday night. It was better than I thought it might be. The story takes place in Chicago in the year 2035. Robots have a presence in everyday society as "helper robots." Well, as you can imagine, something goes wrong and the robots go bad. Will Smith plays Detective Spooner, (who is not a big fan of robots to say the least). He stumbles on a suicide case that's not quite cut and dry. And the fate of the robot world (or at least the United States portion of it) hangs in the balance. I enjoyed the movie. Will Smith seems to shine in most everything he does, and I like to think it's because he picks good roles. This movie was no exception. He wasn't makin' jokes all movie long, but he had some great one-liners that made me chuckle. For those people who think this movie is based on Isaac Assimov's book by the same name, it's not. The movie makes sure to mention that the movie was only "suggested" by said book. I'm not familiar with the story, so I can't speak to how close the movie was to the book. But it was good enough to be entertaining. I gave it an "8."

Happy belated birthday to Jason Thompson.

My friend Jonathan started an entertainment-themed blog. Check it out here.

I'm makin' snickerdoodles this week. They're break and bake from Wal-mart. We'll see how good they are.

In other news, I got some new shoelaces for my tennis shoes. Be sure to check 'em out the next time you see me.

Have a great day!


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