
Meat Meat Meat

Normally, I like to limit my intake of red meat to two or three servings a week. Here's what has transpired since Saturday:

Saturday Dinner - Whiskey River bbq Burger (Red Robin)
Sunday Dinner - Two burgers (from the grill)
Monday Breakfast - Sausage and Cheese Omelet (in the microwave)
Monday Dinner - Garlic and Cheese Sausage (from the grill, but a different one)
Wednesday Lunch - Two burgers (from Sunday's grillin')
Wednesday Dinner - Pork Ribs (Damon's)

For those of you less mathematicaly linclined, that's six servings of red meat in five days. Yikes! It's gonna be chicken for me for the rest of the week. Or maybe some turkey...

In other news, I did some work on my small group lesson at work today. I left that work in my car. My car is now sitting at the shop because it is being inspected on Thursday. I have no way to retrieve that work, as I will not be able to pick my car up till Friday morning. Poop.


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