

Last night I did something crazy and new. No, not that. I worked out in front of the television. Not only did I work out, but I actually worked out to a cardio kickboxing workout show on the telly. I've never worked out to a video or television fitness show. Until yesterday. I was thinking that if anybody peered into my windows and saw me kicking and punching, they might think I had gone crazy. And it would probably scare them away. I actually felt a bit silly at first copying the moves that the blonde Australian was performing. However, the silliness faded when the sweat started. And I did sweat. I was expecting not to be pushed, but I was and I actually started watching another episode because the first one was too short.

So here's to you blonde Australian, and your camoflauged back-up worker-outers. I'll be seeing you again.


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