I'm thinking of a word..
There are lots of characteristics that I consider to be key in whether or not a lady is attractive to me. We all have our own little lists of what we think makes a person attractive. But let me share with you one characteristic that makes me want to turn and run away.
Women who curse like sailors. Really make me want to run away. I was reminded of this last night. I was working with some women who were dropping f-bombs and b-dogs like there was no tomorrow. I really wanted to run far away. But I couldn't.
We could sit hear and argue about cursewords and vulgarity till we're blue in the face. But I'm not one to argue. But I know what I find attractive. And it's not cursing women.
I feel exactly the same way about men who curse. To be honest, I don't even like it when a man using a lot of "lingo". It isn't that I am only attracted to men who speak grammatically correct or that I am not attracted to men who use some slang. It is when the words they use seem to be an accessory to somebody they are trying to be.
That's just how I roll, baby.
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