

The topic of high school has come up twice over the past two days. This has led to a keen idea on my part for a blog entry. I thought you all would get a kick out of reading selected passages that my friends wrote in my yearbook back in '92. So let me set the mood. The top three songs as voted by the seniors that year was: "Everything I Do" by Bryan Adams, "More Than Words" by Extreme, and "Love of a Lifetime" by Firehouse. On to the musings:
I just want to say thank you for everything. I would seriously be lost without you! You have been the world's best friend to me! I am so very glad I've gotten to know you this year! You crack me up! You are DEFINATELY the funniest & sweetest person! Don't give up on ______! She'll come around one of these days! But you better not be LS:LWL over her at the Jr/Sr. because you'll be with a MEGA-BABE and you're gonna have a blast - and if you guys have more fun than me, I am definitely ditching my "date!" Welp, I've had lots of fun joking around with you in class and on the phone - and lets not forget the wonderful fun we've had on our two BIG fieldtrips (It's a crime to sit on statues!!). Well, have a great summer & have TONS of fun on your missions trip. Don't forget to write me while I'm gone - I'll miss you but I'll be sure to give you a full update when I get back! Thanks for everything!
P.S. Tell your dad I said hi & don't ever tell him how much we talk on the phone! Especially that one Weds. night! OH NO! I hope no one ever finds out or you'll get in BIG DOO-DOO!
Keep checking back as today I am devoting all my posts to yearbook musings from 1992.


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