
Help Wanted

FRIEND: I am looking for a PT friend for a long-term temporary assignment (approx. two years). Position will be 10-20 hours a week. Responsibilities include going out to eat, seeing movies, playing racquetball and other tasks as assigned. Qualified applicants for this position will have the following qualifications: They must love God, they must love music (musicianship a plus), they must like seeing movies (mainstream and independent), they must like sports (preference given to those who like soccer and football), as well as enjoy playing them. Pay is pretty much nothing, but you will get loyalty, emails and snacks. Interested applicants should forward a resume or CV to Mind the Gap for immediate review. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!


On 23.5.06, Blogger matt declared...

Are you replacing your current friends?

On 24.5.06, Blogger stephen declared...

I like to think of my friends as irreplaceable. In this case, I'm temporarily replacing their physical presence. A "stunt double" if you will.


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