
The Beach

So since I vacationed at the beach this year, I thought I would regale you with a list of the best ten things about my vacation. Because I know you were wondering.
1. Being with family
2. Good food
3. Outlet shopping
4. Sleeping
5. Lack of humidity
6. Being able to read a book
7. Watching my nieces ride the same exact rides that my sister and I used to ride when were young.
8. Sunsets (regrettably, the sun rises these days at around 5:30 am. needless to say, I didn't get up for it)
9. Watching as much of the World Cup as I could handle (including watching parts or all of nine matches).
10. The rain
And we're watching the US vs. Italy match at Molly Brannigan's on Saturday afternoon. You're invited.


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