
No Cavities

Back from the dentist.  The pit on #28 has not developed into a cavity, but it's still on the watch list.  So that's good.  I had a nice conversation with the hygenist about a little promotion that the dental office did where they promised you a credit or a discounted teeth-whitening procedure in return for your voting for the office as the "Best in Harrisburg."  And how there were some patients so upset that they left the practice.  I also found out that she honeymooned in St. Lucia and we both commiserated regarding the summer humidity.  I was in and out in under 40 minutes (I would have been out quicker, but the dentist got in late and I had to wait after my cleaning for the exam).
To celebrate my excellent dental hygiene (toot toot), I got myself some chai tea at the farmer's market.  Hoorah!


On 27.6.07, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

hey Steve.
i saw this video and thought you might like it. It's David Beckham and Reggie Bush. Very clever.



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