Here comes the bride....
Apologies for the screwed-up formatting
Wedding number two. I enjoyed the ceremony and hope one day to actually see it. I enjoyed hearing the pastor share about the bride and groom. I also loved the fact that when the bride spoke, I could hear the smile in her voice. At the reception, they were showing family photos in a slideshow and I enjoyed watching the look on the face of the groom's father as the pictures appeared on the screen. He was just leaning against a pillar and would smile anew everytime the photo changed. They had chocolate cake. And I should have bought more cookies.
But here's what I really want to discuss This summer, the weddings I've attended are for close friends that I consider to be key contacts in my life. As such, I've decided to ditch the wedding card and I've gone freestyle. This summer, I have written short notes to my friends to share my feelings and my prayers with them. What's interesting, is that I didn't used to be that person. I wasn't that person who said to my friend "I'm praying for you." Or "I'm happy for you." Now, I can't help but say it. But that's not all. In both of the weddings that I've been to, what I've written in the letters has been verbally confirmed from the pastor during the ceremony. And that makes me excited. Sometimes when you write things, you wonder if it's really the right thing to say. But then to have them confirmed by someone else, it's a great feeling. Not a feeling of pride mind you, but a feeling that your heart is in the right place when you're expressing yourself.
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