
Eating at the York Fair

So "The Fair" started on Friday. I went on Saturday (yes, in the rain) and took pictures of what I ate. In order: Shoe-fly Pie, Chicken Corn Soup, and Monkey Butter ice cream (banana ice cream with chunks of peanut butter) from Hope Acres. And I got all three of them for the grand sum of $7.00 (the same price as the "Roast Beef Sundae").

I'm planning on going back later this week and I'll see if I can't get some more pictures of the aforementioned "Sundae" as well as some other goodies...

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On 9.9.08, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

Did you notice if the Best Pork in York (aka Pork Express) is back? They were sorely missed last year.

mike h

On 10.9.08, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

If you can tell me what their stand looks like or where it was located, I might be able to tell you. Of note, there was a bbq joint just to the right of the grandstand (near the elephant ears and baked potatoes) as well as a trailer in the area between the back of the grandstand and the toyota arena. I just don't know names.


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