Eating at the York Fair
So "The Fair" started on Friday. I went on Saturday (yes, in the rain) and took pictures of what I ate. In order: Shoe-fly Pie, Chicken Corn Soup, and Monkey Butter ice cream (banana ice cream with chunks of peanut butter) from Hope Acres. And I got all three of them for the grand sum of $7.00 (the same price as the "Roast Beef Sundae").
I'm planning on going back later this week and I'll see if I can't get some more pictures of the aforementioned "Sundae" as well as some other goodies...
Did you notice if the Best Pork in York (aka Pork Express) is back? They were sorely missed last year.
mike h
If you can tell me what their stand looks like or where it was located, I might be able to tell you. Of note, there was a bbq joint just to the right of the grandstand (near the elephant ears and baked potatoes) as well as a trailer in the area between the back of the grandstand and the toyota arena. I just don't know names.
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