
The Return of the Blog and other notes

I'm currently about 1600 miles away from home. Watching Gilmore Girls. And getting paid for it. Anywho....

I've decided to restart on old blog that has been dormant since 2005. Feel free to bookmark My Phone Takes Pictures. I plan to use it to document my travels in situations where I don't feel like writing out an actual post. So Stay tuned.

Also I'm reading a new book. It's a book that I don't think anyone would have thought that I would have read. Myself included. But long flights demand hefty reading opportunities.

Also, Chick-fil-A is giving away free chicken sandwiches on Monday (09/07) if you show up to one of their restaurants wearing apparel from your favorite athletic team (sorry Steeler fans, you're excluded).


On 5.9.09, Blogger Annie declared...

What book are you reading? Hefty makes me want to guess a Russian novel- Crime and Punishment? I have no idea.

On 5.9.09, Blogger Annie declared...

What book are you reading? Hefty makes me want to guess a Russian novel- Crime and Punishment? I have no idea.


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