
Chapter 17, where I ramble on about nothing in particular...

Howdy kids!

I saw "Dodgeball" over the weekend. I'm not going to review it, because if you're going to go see this movie, you're not gonna care about what people are sayin' about it. You're just gonna go. All I'll say was that it was good to see Chuck Norris on the big screen again.

Would you agree that people in general, are imperfect? So why is it, that we expect our leaders to be perfect? I suspect that President Bush may make a mistake every now and then. John Kerry too. (And just for the record, I make mistakes too)

Guess what? I'm running in my very first 5k race this Saturday. I'm a little concerned cuz my training is kinda lacking. However, I am excited cuz I get to get one of those numbers to wear. That's cool.

One more thought before I leave ya (or you leave me..). I was listenin' to a radio program on the internet, and this dude said something profound. He said "Our money is God's money." The money we make, God has given to us to use while we're here. And we should use it wisely........and tithe.


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