
Be, all that you can be.....

I remembered what I was going to say yesterday. It's about friends. And you should take it as exhortation (2. Language intended to incite and encourage; advice; counsel). Don't let our culture limit your definition of a friend's responsibilities. Think in your brain, what a friend does, and then expand on that. Then think about that, and expand on that. Friends can be so much more then what we think they are, but I think sometimes we (myself included) feel that once we get to a certain point, we say something along the lines of "I've proved my friendship, I don't need to go beyond this." That's faulty logic. We need to get crazy with our friends. Got somebody you only see once a week? Try and see them twice.....in the same week! Or drop them a random email or a phone call. Got a friend who likes candy? Randomly buy them candy some time. Do stuff and be intentional. Yea.

And lastly(the firstly is above),here's my favorite doppler radar website. Enjoy!


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