
God went bowling and got the ball rolling...

I'm buying dinner for whoever can tell me what band sings that song. I don't even need the song. Just the band.

So I chose the title for the subject based on the awesome display of God's handiwork that I saw this evening. In the space of an hour, I saw some crazy lightning, some cool clouds leading a storm front, and a rainbow. A pretty colorful rainbow. It was awesome. Every so often it's great to see nature get a little crazy.

I'm currently eating Berry Blast Mike and Ike's while watching the Orioles play the Yankees. I have a strong like for Mike and Ike's and a strong dislike for the Yankees. But I do still pray for my Yankee-lovin' friends (I'm looking at you Walters).

So my small group is starting a new book. It's called "The Air I Breathe," and it's written by Mr. Passion, Louis Giglio. It looks good. I'm excited cause I think it will definitely spark some of the members (hopefully all of them) towards a lifestyle of worship. Living our lives as worship to the Creator. To steal a line from the Hokey-Pokey, "that's what it's all about!"

Now I'm watching "Much Ado About Nothing." I never realized that Denzel or Keanu did Shakespeare. Not being much of a Shakespeare buff, I'm trying to compare this to the play of the same name that I saw in Reservoir Park last year. I'm back watching the baseball game again.

Well, that's enough yammerin' from me. Ciao!


On 4.6.04, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

Ummm...that would be "The Swirling Eddies". You know, offering something like free food is good incentive for someone to do some "fact finding". :-)

Check it out at: http://www.danielamos.com/swirly/zoomdaddy/godwentbowling.html


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