
So how do you react....

when you're out of your element? For the record, this is what I do: withdrawl. So tonight I was hanging out with some friends at Jubilee Day in Mechanicsburg. We happen to come across some people that I didn't know, but the others in my group knew. So, because I didn't know anybody, nor make an effort to introduce myself (they should already know me, shouldn't they?), I just kinda stepped back and let everybody talk. Every once in a while I would throw in a knowing nod, or a bit of a chuckle. And I think I might have done that to feel like I was participating in the conversation. But I wasn't, and I'm not quite sure why I felt I needed to particpate. Of course I know why: I wanted to belong and to be a part of the conversation.

I usually don't have a problem with this. And it's because I make a point to NOT be out of my element. But sometimes you just can't help it. Sure I coulda run away, but what good would that do? Which brings me to my next thought. Am I short-changing myself by not putting myself into these "out-of-element" situations? Sometimes I think yes, and sometimes I think no. There is an event occuring this weekend which two people have invited me to. But I'm not going. Cuz I'm the only one I know who would be there and would not know what he was doing. And if that doesn't put me out of my element, I don't know what does. So yea...that's what's been on my mind tonight.

In other news, England beat Switzerland 3-0 in their Euro 2004 match. One more win (against Croatia) and they'll advance to the next round.


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