
Two Reviews

Crazy Saturday. I saw two movies.

The Interpreter
The Interpreter stars Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn. In a nutshell, Kidman plays a UN translator who overhears an assasination plot against the leader of Maboto, Africa. Once she reveals the plot, Penn is one of the Secret Service agents assigned to the case. This was a good movie. Now before I go any farther, some of you may wonder "Why does he call most of the movies he sees good?" That's a good question. I like to think that my statements are accurate and that it's the result of good taste. I will not have an opportunity to tell you how bad A Lot Like Love is because I will not see it. Same for XXX: State of the Union. So I like to think I only see good movies, which is true save for the occasional bomb (Cat in the Hat, anyone?)

Anywho. I'm not a big drama fan, but there was enough action in this drama to keep my interest. The movie was just over two hours, but it didn't seem to drag at all. Sean Penn was great in his supporting role and there were a few plot twists to keep things interesting. I'm giving this movie a 9.

Sahara is a fun movie starring Matthew McConnaughy, Steve Zahn and Penelope Cruz. This was a good fun action movie. McConnaughy and Zahn play treasure hunters looking for one of the iron-clad boats from the Civil War. Cruz plays a doctor with the WHO, who crosses paths with our treasure hunters. I wasn't intellectually challenged like I was in The Interpreter, but it was fun to watch nonetheless. Steve Zahn stole the show. I think he is becoming one of my favorite male actors. He makes me laugh out loud. I'm giving this movie an 8.


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