
I once knew a girl named Katrina

But she wasn't nearly as bad as that girl who rolled through the gulf coast.

I'm sitting here flipping through between The Weather Channel, CNN, MSNBC and FOX News. And I'm just awestruck by what I've been seeing. And I'm heartbroken. And I'm angry.

Awestruck by the sheer force of this hurricane. New Orleans is getting a lot of press, but have you seen pictures of Biloxi? That city got ravaged! Casinos collapsed, barges were driven inland, and the freight that was on those barges was thrown up and down the coast haphazardly.

Heartbroken to see the loss of life and property that this hurricane has caused. For the families torn apart. For the damage that has nearly turned NOLA into a modern-day Atlantis. Their infastructure got washed away. Bridges had their decks ripped from their piers. I saw this one photo that showed just a series of piers that used to support a road deck. Crazy.

And angry. Angry at the people who go and take advantage of the situation by looting empty businesses. People who are STEALING. If that's why you stayed behind...

And NOLA's not out of the woods yet. They've just reported that two more levees have failed and they expect another nine feet of water in the city by mid-day tomorrow. And not just NOLA, but all the affected areas are prime targets for disease and some major health problems.

Pray hard.

I'm seriously hoping that the people of the United States step up and show these people some love. I commented back in December how Tsunami Aid got a big time boost from A-list celebrities and how I hoped that they would help out with any sort of domestic disaster. I hope that those same people step up now and show some love.

I do disagree with a blogger who ridiculed a statment by an Mississippi official that "this was our tsunami." If a tsumani is the worst thing that they can think of to compare it to, than so be it. They could have called it "our 9/11," but that probably wouldn't have gone over well. They just tried to compare it the best way they could.


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