

If you're initials are MK, you know I watch a lot of the NFL Network. I love it. And this week it's caused me to think about winning. It sounds kinda odd to ask, but what do people get out of winning? I have experienced winning. In high school, my soccer team won the league championship by defeating our rival. It was euphoric. We had traveled a long road, and now we had the glory and a new trophy for the trophy case. I think all the players even got individual trophys to commemorate this accomplishment. But it all happened roughly 14 years ago. What's that win done for me lately?

Everybody, myself included, strives for success. Whether we measure our success in wins, dollars, posessions or by some other descriptor, we strive for success. But to what end? Sunday evening, one team will leave Ford Field as a winner. The other team by cultural default, cannot be a winner, despite their success. They are therefore, losers. They have failed. The runner-up is the first loser.

I've often thought about my life, and how successful or unsuccessful it's been. I was a good student in high school, but mediocre in college. I have a job, but it's not a job that fulfills me. I have friends, but no wife to report of as yet. All that can be discouraging. Until I add a little light to my history. I attended and graduated from college. I have a job and I'm not unemployed. I have friends who add richness to my life. It's easy to apply cultural standards of success to our lives. But it's another thing, to look at it from an eternal perspective. When I look at things in the light of Him, I've fared much better. When illuminated, the success I see is lasting and it's impact resonates with me throughout life. Sure, it's nice to have the glory and adulation that comes with man's triumphs. But as they say, you can't take it with you.

And a note for my perfectionist friends. If you view perfection as success, it won't mean much in this lifetime.


On 2.2.06, Blogger matt declared...

Here's my thought. Maybe as Christians we look for earthly success but we fail so much when it comes to things of God.

Still thinking...

On 3.2.06, Blogger Nathan Hackman declared...

I was an MK once. . . .


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