
One for the thumb

Okay. It's early, but I'm going to use my allotment of one Super Bowl posts per year today. If you live in the state of Pennsylvania, and you are not a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, this is going to be a long two weeks. Because the state will be breathing and bleeding yellow and black for the next 13 days. And everyone will be invited to get on "The Bus" (in DC, we called it the bandwagon).

Now let me also state that there is nothing innately wrong with this. Going to the Super Bowl is a big deal. But if you grew up outside of the state or have different allegiances, you probably don't care about the success of the Steelers. In Pennsylvania, the only team that I actually dislike is the Philadelphia Eagles. I'm indifferent to the Steelers and in college ball, I'm indifferent to Penn State.

That being said, I'm rooting for the Seahawks. They have never been to the Super Bowl. Ever. Next season, will be their 30th season. The Steelers should be celebrating their 77th season later this year. They have been to five Super Bowls, winning four of them. The Steelers have lots of history. The Seahawks have very little history. People recognize who Terry Bradshaw and Franco Harris are. I would reckon that lots of folks don't know who Steve Largent or Dave Kreig are.

So the Seahawks will win. But it won't matter much, because next season, people will forget after my Redskins run the table and finish the season 19-0.

Hey, it could happen.


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