
Oh the humanity!

As I've been praying and thinking about the possibility of taking this phat promotion and moving down to Maryland, I've been yearning for something. My human-ness has noticed that with the exception of my parents, no one (that I can recall) has indicated that they would miss me. And while I'm sad that I haven't heard that, I'm also glad. Because, well, that means people think enough of me that they aren't going to try and influence my decision. And they know that I'm better then that. Either that, or they just don't care whether I stay or go. While I don't think anyone would start a petition, I do think people care and some folks have expressed that. But nevertheless, my humanity cries out "Hey, wouldn't anybody miss me???"

In other news, I saw something really scary on television today. I saw Hulk Hogan, frying some bacon. With his shirt off.


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