
Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson made a mistake. There, I said it. He was driving after having a little too much to drink and after he was pulled over by the police, expressed his anger and frustration in the form of profanities and anti-semitic remarks.

He has since apologized twice. But is that enough? It is for me. I understand people make mistakes. I myself have made a few. I can't speak to the effects of alcohol, but I know that sometimes when I'm sober and frustrated, I say things that I later regret. He has apologized and I accept that. But will Hollywood accept that? Will fans of "The Passion of the Christ" accept that? Will Danny Glover and Joe Pesci accept that?

I wish that I could say that all of them will. But I can't. There are already people who are publicly calling him out. ABC has pulled plans to air a mini-series his production company was working on. The repercussions have begun.

If we could only learn to forgive...


On 9.8.06, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

Yeah, that's par for the course. The world is just waiting for us to screw up so that can say "told you so". They're missing the whole point. It's our weakness and the inevitable life long failures that made the cross necessary. That's what makes the story so wonderful. Mel just proved why the story needed to be told. We're all in need of grace, the cross made it possible.

Good post by the way.


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