
Warning: Gas Tax Increase Ahead

Yes, that's right Pennsylvania residents. Starting Sunday, gas will cost at least four cents more per gallon. Sorry.

So I was thinkin' this morning. I was thinkin' that many times, being a friend is a thankless job. When you're in a friendship, people have certain expectations that "this" is just what a friend does. And they don't think anything more of it. I was thinking back to a friend who had gone on a mission trip who I had prayed for, and in fact told this person that I would be praying for them. I received a "thank you" when I mentioned that, but nothing after they returned from their trip.

It's funny, because at the time, I didn't even think about it. However, I have to admit that as of late, I've been thinking about the times when I don't get thanked. Lots of times it irks me, and I suppose that's fair. But then I stop to try and figure out why I need people's thanks. I suppose it boils down to a need to feel appreciated. The funny thing is, most of the time I believe people are thankful, so why do I need to hear it? I think that while I believe people are thankful, there's a small doubt in my mind that doesn't go away unless I get a verbal cue. Did this person like my Christmas gift? Did that person enjoy that card? Did they understand that I just complimented them? I may never know. So perhaps I need to be less concerned about other's appreciation and more concerned about where my heart and motives are at. While it's nice to be thanked, I don't do things to be thanked. I do it out of love.

And in restaurant news: In two weeks, there will be a Fisaga opening on the West Shore. The Fisaga Cafe will open in Camp Hill on Market Street on January 10.


On 2.1.05, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

Thank you Steve for entertaining me with your blog.



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