
2004 Goal Review

So I thought as the end of the year is approaching, I would review my goals for 2004 and whether or not I achieved them. Please note, they are goals, not resolutions. So here we go:

1. Read the biographies of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Deitrich Bonhoeffer.
Done,done, and done.
2. Lose ten pounds.
3. Learn to eat lettuce.
Done. This sounds pretty basic, but I just don't like eating greens. The only green vegetable I would eat was green beans. But I'm better now. I've eaten more lettuce this past year, then I have in my entire life. And that is the truth.
4. Run a 5k road race.
Done. I did this back in the spring, and it was awesome. I finished like 120th, but it was still a great feeling.
5. Volunteer more of my time to others.
Done. This isn't as easy to quantify as the other items on my list. I feel certain that I volunteered more this year, than in year's past, but it still doesn't seem like enough.
6. Lean a new hobby/craft/skill.
Not Done. This is the only goal I did not achieve. In my pursuit of this goal however, I have made myself aware of things I would like to learn to do. But that doesn't count for beans.

So there ya go. Next Monday, I will be posting my goals for 2005. Stay tuned.

So how did you do with your goals?


On 25.12.04, Anonymous Anonymous declared...

What are your goals for 2005? Let me guess. To kiss Michael Hoffner on the Hershey Chocolate Ride?


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