Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
So I was talking with my co-workers and I mentioned how much I like coming to work in the winter. They said "Why's that?" So I proceeded to tell them that I liked coming to work because we have heat here at the office. And then I shocked them with this fact: My thermostat is currently set to 59 degrees. That's right folks, it's cold in my apartment. My co-workers could not understand how I could keep it that cool. Plain and simple, I said, gas costs money. I got burned last year with $100+ gas bills and that was not going to happen this year. It's just not in the budget. So I keep it cool and just wear sweatpants and long sleeves.
I was also emailing a friend and I made the comment that I couldnt wait until I no longer had to worry about money running out (we were talking about Christmas shopping). But the more I thought about it, the more I thought how silly I am for being concerned about the money running out. Yes, my budget is definitely more on the tight side, but if I spend wisely and save (heaven-forbid), I don't think God will let me run out of money. He won't leave me hanging, cause he wants the best for me. However, a lack of fundage will not prevent me from blessing others in various ways. So if you ever come over to visit, I'll offer you a beverage or a snack, and if you have a birthday, I'll try to remember it.
And if you come to visit my apartment, I'll even turn the heat up. Just for you =)
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