
It's bigger then a piece of paper!

I'm just saying...


On 26.5.06, Blogger matt declared...

Why do you say that you have nothing against Giant when it is clear that you do?

On 26.5.06, Blogger stephen declared...

If I had something against Giant, I don't think I would shop there. There are certain things that I dislike about their business (pricing is one of them, which is why I posted the CPBN piece). But there are certain things I like. Their bakery makes a mean cinnamon chip muffin and nobody else in the area (to my knowledge) carries Sabrett's hot dogs.

Are you suggesting that my dislikes are the "something" that I'm holding against them?

On 26.5.06, Blogger matt declared...

I am saying that your dislikes along with your refusal to shop there, for the most part, help to show your dislike. You also periodically express a dislike for Giant. One who has nothing against them does not repeatedly express dislike for them or post blog posts rejoicing in them doing badly.


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