
More cooking adventures

So tonight, I decided to try my hand at making some tomato sauce. I've never tried this fun task, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I figured that tomato paste would be a pretty good thing to put in tomato sauce. So I opened the can of paste and the first thing I noticed was that the paste was not going to come out on it's own accord. So I grabbed the nearest spatula (thank you Spatula City) and proceeded to scoop out the paste into the pot. Turned on the heat and waited for the paste to start to thin out. Didn't happen. So I decided to add a cup of water. That seemed to do the trick. So I was going to add some cayenne pepper (because I didn't have enough crushed red pepper). And then I tasted the sauce. Hot and tart is what it tasted like. Well, the hot part was good, but not so much the tartness. So I thought maybe some brown sugar might be good. Unfortunately, my roommate's brown sugar was a solid brick. So I went with cane sugar. That definitely took off the tart edge. And so I decided to just stick with that.

I think next time I might try and throw in some oregano and maybe some garlic. But if anybody's looking for a slightly sweet sauce with a hot peppery bite, the leftovers are in the fridge.


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