
Oh the temptation..

I found out this morning that someone here in our office is selling chocolate easter eggs. And not just peanut butter eggs, but also butter cream eggs. For those who are unaware, around Easter, churches in the area make these delicious chocolate covered easter eggs. They most commonly are filled with peanut butter, but apparently there are other varieties as well. They put those Reeces eggs that Hershey's puts out at Easter to shame. And they only cost fifty cents. I never actually had heard of them until I moved up here. Is anyone outside of the state of Pennsylvania familiar with these types of eggs?

Anywho, the temptation is that I'm not eating candy until Lent is over. It's not really that bad of an issue, but when you haven't had candy for a while, you start to crave it. Or maybe that's just me.

I picked up my 2004 Dodge Neon this morning. It's slick...for a neon. It even has a spoiler. Oh, yeah.

All the weather boys had us geared up for 3-6 inches of snow. And we got an inch....maybe? Sorry snow friends. Thought you might have had something there.


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