
The Chicken talks!

He sounds like this: If I have an idea to write about, I will often write it down so that when I have time to write, I will remember what I wanted to write about. This morning I wrote down this question: "Ever asked your non-Christian friends to pray with you before a meal?" I wrote this because I was intent on praying before my lunch today with a couple of old friends (one of them, not a Christian). Not to myself, but with them.

Didn't happen. I was scared. Not quite sure why. These particular friends allowed me to say grace the last time we got together. I was determined to do it again. Didn't happen. I'm disappointed in myself. There's no heavenly reason why I should have been scared. But there was a few earthly ones. I suppose part of it had to do with not wanting to alienate my one friend from my faith. I want her to know Christ, but I don't want to beat her over the head with it. She was willing to go along once. Did I think I was pushing my luck with a second time?
Which leads me back to my original question: Have you ever asked your non-Christian friends to pray with you before a meal? Do you say a silent prayer yourself? Do you say a prayer out loud? Do you not pray because you don't think it's appropriate? Or because you're scared?


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