
Something to think about

I was reading today about how some artifacts from a survivor of the Titanic were sold at auction recently.  One of the artifacts was a letter from one of the survivors, John Snyder, to his father.  In discussing his evaucation he stated:

"Only a very few people were on deck at that time and they thought it was much safer to stay on the big boat than to try the life boat."

What's been resounding with me is that last half of the sentence:  they thought it was much safer to stay on the big boat than to try the life boat.  How many times in life are we strong enough to head for the life boats?  The big boat is so comfortable.  If we jump in that little boat, we'll have to row and we don't know if/when anyone will find us!

John and his wife took the opportunity to jump and were one of 705 passengers to survive.  Out of 2238 total passengers.

Something to think about..


two days, two posts, and an apple

I was reading this morning about Steve Jobs. If you saw my tweet today, you have an idea where this is going.

According to what I read in Businessweek, Steve was not a very nice man. Brilliant, but not nice. He did not treat people well. He was laser-focused on whatever product was on the drawing board, and seemingly did little to nurture those people around him.

Now, what I've read may all be patently false, but I think there's a lesson in it. You can be the most brilliant man on the planet, but if don't have love? Clang, clang.

Perhaps it's the perspective that I'm coming from. Love changes people lives. Love has the power to make an impact more powerful than any piece of technology. You may disagree, but perhaps you just don't know love like I do.

On a side note, I'm not real pleased with the thought flow of this particular post, but I think it gets my point across. And I want to go to bed.



Where a young man's thoughts turn to blog cancellation..

Hey Kids!

Made a visit to the big city today. It was a spur of the moment sort of thing. Good times were had. I took some pictures, of which I've included a handful below.

Still thinking about what to do with this blog. I wish I could figure out how to do a podcast. While I figure that out, take a gander at the sights of NYC...
