The verse on my mind
At midnight last night, I found myself meditating on this passage from Psalm 27.13-14
I am still confident of this:I was having a hard time getting to sleep, which should have been expected considering the serious thinking I attempted to do before slumber. I know better than that, but I was feeling rather quizical last night.
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
Wait for the LORD;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.
Not to go into too great a detail, but it was in regards to a friend that I have lost contact with. I would very much like to reopen communications with them, but I have had very little(read: no) success so far. And it frustrates me on occasion. Last night was one of those occasions. And so I got out of bed and pulled out my prayer journal (which I don't do often enough) and wrote a prayer. And then I decided to open up the Bible to Psalm 27, in which David talks about trusting God. I went the extra step and wrote down the last two verses of the passage on an index card which now sits in my car.
There are very few guarantees in this world. I don't know if my friend will ever talk to me again. But I have to trust that God is working in this situation and working ALL things for His good. Even though that's painful for me right now.