
Click to the right.

Every time you hit up my site, please be a dear and click the new link to the right. It provides for free mammograms for women who aren't able to afford them.



What's readin?

The past couple of months or so, I've been growing more and more interested in Martin Luther King, Jr. I'm aware of the strong influence he had on the civil rights movement, but he was also a pastor. And that's what has really picqued my curiousity. I've become very interested on reading some of his books and his commentary on civil rights and social justice.

I was pretty excited with I found out that the MC library had a bunch of his stuff. Then I found out that somebody had checked out all the books that I wanted. So that kinda bummed me out. But I didn't just want to wait and put it off. There's some stuff that you can put off and just never come back to. But I don't want that to happen. So I decided to read Martin Luther King, Sr.'s autobiography. And I've really been enjoying it. It's not an easy read, to see how difficult he had it growing up, but it's a great insight on how his children came into their own.

So that's what I'm reading at the moment.


opportunities to hear live music (of a more traditional nature)

Two upcoming events to tell you about:
1.  There's a concert on Sunday afternoon (04/27/08) featuring the Dickinson College orchestra, choir and collegium.  The concert starts at 4:00pm and will be held at the First Lutheran Church in Carlisle.
2.  The United States Military Academy Band will be playing at the Carlisle Theatre on Thursday evening, May 1st.  Show starts at 7:00pm.
And less I slight my alma mater, Acclamation and United Voices of Praise are holding concerts this upcoming weekend.  You can find out more information by checking the Events tab here.


The word "Friend"

Here's an interesting article in today's Washington Post about how the the word "friend" has evolved in our myspace/facebook generation.



Check out the following trailer for the movie "Expelled." It's a different look at the creation vs. evolution battle. And it features Ben Stein. In theatres starting today...


What I had for lunch today

Oftentimes, I will fix a sandwich for lunch. More often than not, it ends up being Peanut Butter and Jelly. A little while ago, I had this crazy idea for my sandwich, and I decided to execute it when I was preparing my lunch last night (yes, I make my lunch the night before - I learned it from my roommate). I put chocolate chips in my Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. So how did it taste?

It was good. Not as great as I was hoping it would be, just good. In conversing with a co-worker, I think the trouble may have been the grape jelly. While chocolate is an excellent contrast to peanut butter, the sweetness of the grape jelly kind masked most of the chocolate taste. I will try it again, but I will try and use raspberry, strawberry or blueberry preserves. They have a bit of tartness to them which might make my creation (which if I open a restaurant, I'm calling a Spotted Hyena) taste better.


New Tim Morgan Funny Stuff


A memory verse for your weekend

The words of the prophet, Jeremiah:
But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
Jeremiah 17.7*
*For context, you can read the entire chapter here.

Have a great weekend!