
Four Years

On Monday, I celebrated four years of employment with my current employer. To celebrate, I had a blueberry blizzard from Dairy Queen. I know what you're thinking; why would you get a blizzard and NOT put something chocolatey in it? Well, the short answer is that I was trying to be slightly healthy in my celebration. Unfortunately, the taste was not like I had hoped. There were real blueberries in it, but it was not mixed well and thus the flavor was not uniform throughout. So that didn't pan out well. Next time, I will get the Peanut-Butter-Cup Blizzard.

Those of you who are in-the-know, you know where I work. The rest of you may not know, but I work for an airline. I thought it would be interesting to see how many miles I've flown over the past four years. Keep in mind that this only includes recreational travel and does not include work-related travel. I've flown 22,278 miles in the past four years. That might not seem like much, but it has been a huge blessing for a guy who loves to travel. And I'm thankful.


So I don't post as often as I used to.....

I've been thinking about this (among other things). One of the key contributors to my posting-slowdown is actually positive. I believe that I am much less critical than I used to be. I no longer feel the need to be critical of Britney Spears or other issues of a trivial nature. I just don't have a desire to talk about this stuff. And I think I used to talk about this stuff enough that I could post six or seven times in a week. But no more.

I should probably be better at writing down things that I want to share with you, my beloved readers. Otherwise I forget about them or just end up procrastinating.

I listened to three sermons today. And the kicker is that none of them were from my own church. I'll catch Pastor Phil later this week. Two of the three I listened to were from Lon Solomon at McLean Bible Church. He's currently in the midst of a series on the Ten Commandments. It's good. I say it often, but I really enjoy Lon's messages. God has given him the gift of communication.

So.....how is it with your soul?


I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive

Well, it's been a while since I cranked up the old post-creator and threw anything up here. It hasn't been a LONG while, but it's been almost a week, which from my past track record, is unusually long.

So here we are in the middle of April and they're calling for some snow this weekend. What. Is. Up. With. That? I got some batting cage tokens jingling in my pocket, but the weather hasn't been nice enough to go down to the cages.

I took a picture while traveling earlier this week. Here it is:

So where was I?

Has anybody ever had the Peanut Butter Pie from Chili's? I'd recommend it. It's a little on the rich side, but it's still good eats.

This was the weekend I was hoping to go out to Utah. But I'm not there now. Just didn't quite work out. Workin' on something else for the end of the month, so we'll see if I still can't get out somewhere.

The roommate and I watched Fearless last night. It is Jet Li's last action movie (supposedly). It was good, but not for the squemish (sp?). Lot's of good martial arts combat, the obligatory blood, and some fun dialogue.

The David Crowder Band has finished up work on their next studio release. From the bits I heard, it should be another good record for them as they prepare a club tour in the fall.

Three more weeks until 3!!





I'm ready for Spring

It's true. Despite the pollen that comes with it, I'm ready. There was snow on my car when I left the house this morning and it's supposed to get down to about 28 degrees overnight. Nice.

Here's an interesting article about the possiblity of being hard-wired for faith. Hmmmmm....

I've got a verse that I've been wanting to share for a while but it's in my "car Bible" (the Bible that stays in the car 95% of the time). Actually, it's in my "house Bible" too, but it's not bracketed in red pen in that one.

Tomorrow is Good Friday. The day my Saviour gave me life by sacrificing His. I pray that His death never becomes insignificant to me.